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What is a refresh token?

That is, a refresh token is a credential artifact that lets a client application get new access tokens without having to ask the user to log in again. In the diagram above, SPA = Single-Page Application; AS = Authorization Server; RS = Resource Server; AT = Access Token; RT = Refresh Token.

What are tokens & how do you use them?

Tokens are pieces of data that carry just enough information to facilitate the process of determining a user's identity or authorizing a user to perform an action. All in all, tokens are artifacts that allow application systems to perform the authorization and authentication process. New to identity concepts?

What is a cryptocurrency token?

“Token” is a word that you hear a lot in cryptocurrency. In fact, you might hear Bitcoin described as a “crypto token” or something similar, because — technically — all cryptoassets can also be described as tokens. But the word has increasingly taken on two specific meanings that are common enough that there’s a good chance you’ll encounter them.

What are Defi tokens?

DeFi tokens A new world of cryptocurrency-based protocols that aim to reproduce traditional financial-system functions (lending and saving, insurance, trading) has emerged in recent years. These protocols issue tokens that perform a wide variety of functions but can also be traded or held like any other cryptocurrency.

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